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Nacido en Sevilla y formado en Cataluña e Irlanda, Paco ha trabajado como director en largometrajes, cortometrajes, realizador en publicidad, guionista, creativo y un gran comunicador. Domina a la perfección el lenguaje narrativo, el cuento, la cinematografía con fuertes rasgos visuales, emociones, estilo de vida, jóvenes, gente real, diálogos, historias sociales, testimoniales, niños e interpretaciones. Torres es versátil, pura fuente inspiradora y un director que batalla cada proyecto y cada plano. Paco sabe que el rodaje es el momento más creativo de todo el proceso, el momento donde puede explorar, investigar y mejorar todo lo creado con anterioridad, para de una forma orgánica y mágica, crear un trabajo único. Ha trabajado con grandes marcas como Disney, Banco Santander, Mahou, Banco SGBL en Líbano, CastaniaLíbano, Rastreator, Natuzzi, 100 Montaditos, CAM, Acciona, entre otros y videos musicales para cantantes como EleanorMcEvoy o Lantana. Su trabajo se ha presentado en festivales de medio mundo, incluyendo Cannes, Edimburgo, SIFF en Seattle, San Sebastián, FICG en Guadalajara, Galway, FICCI Colombia, Belfast, Nueva York, Uruguay, Málaga, Sevilla, Huelva, etc. Actualmente prepara su primera serie “El Domador” con Gaumont.

Torres is a commercial and fiction director based in Seville, Spain and working internationally. Before he become a full timedirector, he worked as Creative Director in several advertising agencies as McCann Erickson, Cawley Nea, Ad-volution among others and he has made two feature films and several awarded short films. He was born in Sevilla and raised between Seville, Dublin and Barcelona. His craft is his knowledge in communication and empathy to get always the best and Torres is an inspired, versatile and craft-driven director, with background in advertising, tv and fiction films. His talent lies in performance driven work, drama, children and blending extraordinary visuals. He has established himself as a strong Director with incredibly creativity, strength, leading actors and energy on set. Paco is strong on narrative, storytelling, cinematic, emotions, lifestyle, youth, real people, dialogue, content, visual, kids, performances, testimonials. He believes the shoot is the most creative and intense moment of a production and a moment when we are allowed to explore, investigate and improve on certain elements giving an organic touch and magic to make unique work.What most interests Torres now about his work is the possibility to create real emotions, human stories with real characters and be able to achieve narrative simplicity for any idea. Paco believes that his latest works reflect this growing up directing skills and he has the capacity, sweat and know how to create more beautiful stories.

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